
How to Talk to Men (hardcover in English)


Men are easy when you see them as they really are. You can spend your life fighting with men, or you can transform them into allies devoted to fulfilling your needs and desires.

Many women have made up their mind about men. If you are curious about how to expand your perspective, this book will give you some new lenses to see deeper into the mystery of partnership.


Price: 19.95€ plus shipping & handling 

Comment parler aux hommes (kindle edition in French)

Les hommes sont faciles quand vous les voyez tels qu’ils sont vraiment. Vous pouvez passer votre vie à vous battre contre eux, ou vous pouvez les transformer en alliés dévoués à la satisfaction de vos besoins et désirs. 
De nombreuses femmes se sont faites leur idée à propos des hommes. Si vous êtes curieuse d’étendre votre horizon, ce livre vous fournira de nouveaux points de vue pour voir plus profondément dans le mystère des relations amoureuses. 

Price: 9,95€ 


Please click here to download the book on Amazon.

23 Innovations in Selling (softcover in English)


23 Innovations in Selling is a light, playful approach to the game of selling. If you earn your living by helping other people get what they want, this book is a refreshing guide that goes beyond the usual methods and techniques. It is a fun read that will make a world of difference in your income by bringing playfulness to the game of business.


Price: 9.95€ plus shipping & handling


23 Innovations in Selling (kindle edition in English)


23 Innovations in Selling is a light, playful approach to the game of selling. If you earn your living by helping other people get what they want, this book is a refreshing guide that goes beyond the usual methods and techniques. It is a fun read that will make a world of difference in your income by bringing playfulness to the game of business.


Price: 2,95€ 


Please click here to download the book on Amazon.

Das neue Unternehmertum I: Earning Your Living by Living your Dream (kindle edition in German)

Wie werden Sie in der neuen Wirtschaftsära Ihren Lebensunterhalt verdienen? Durch die sinkende Anzahl an Arbeitsplätzen und die unruhigen Aktienmärkte hat es nie einen besseren Zeitpunkt gegeben als jetzt, um Ihr eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen. Mia Sage bietet einen bemerkenswerten neuen Ansatz: Pilotprojekte mit geringem finanziellen Einsatz und flexiblen Teams. Ihr personenorientiertes Modell setzt auf das Vergnügungsprinzip, um unerwartete, innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen hervorzubringen. 

Price: 9,95€ 

Please click here to download the book on Amazon.

Harmony in partnership is the very essence of my being. My personal mission is to create prosperous global communities with men and women who value partnership, entrepreneurship and leadership. To that end I  co-created Sage University to educate entrepreneurs, and launched Sage Innovations to provide "radar" for large corporations.


My aim is to recruit, train, and collaborate with elite men and women capable of achieving their goals and transforming their dreams into reality.