Geisha School

Serenity brings a woman to a feeling of deep calm. As her body releases anxiety and anger, her sweet feminine nature emerges. Her peaceful aura soothes men and brings out their strong, protective qualities. 

Unfortunately 20th Century women often lose touch with that wise, sweet side of their nature. They succumb to the hectic pace of living in these times; to the stress of earning a living, and to the demands of raising a family.

A woman that earned her living as a professional coach went to Thailand for a few days to escape the conflict in her relationship and the stress of her career. She was invited to spend a few days living in the home of a Thai woman that lived in the natural rhythm of her ancient culture. Together the women shopped for local food, cooked special Thai dishes, and talked for hours about unimportant things. 

When the coach returned home, she was different. Everything was different. Her deep, calm and profound acceptance brought a new order to her life. For several months she exuded the nurturing kindness that forms the core of the female nature. Geisha School can do that for you. By spending four days with women that have achieved that inner glow, you will find the spark that can restart the quiet fire of your gentle nature.


When women gather to relinquish their pain and release the resentment that clouds their mind, they quickly come to an epiphany. Through self-realization, they discover that deep bond of trust and friendship that has been the source of wisdom for mankind since the dawn of time. 


Obviously you can’t get that kind of experience by reading a book or learning facts. To tune up your heart and mind you have to be there in person to tap into the osmosis—the vivid current of acceptance that flows between women when they laugh and play together. 


This course brings you together with highly accomplished women that exude the kind of love you want to feel.  


Tuition: 800€

Harmony in partnership is the very essence of my being. My personal mission is to create prosperous global communities with men and women who value partnership, entrepreneurship and leadership. To that end I  co-created Sage University to educate entrepreneurs, and launched Sage Innovations to provide "radar" for large corporations.


My aim is to recruit, train, and collaborate with elite men and women capable of achieving their goals and transforming their dreams into reality.