
Seminars & Workshops:

Dear Mia, 


I want to thank you for the powerful and shockingly honest Geisha School Training I attended in February.  


All my life I was trained to look at men as “the enemy”. During the week, however, I began to understand that the opposite is true. They are our strongest allies! This revelation alone, would have been worth the money and time I spent for the course, but I got so much more. 


Everyday I became more aware that my power as a woman lies in my receptivity and my femininity.  I would never have believed that learning how to be in service to powerful men could  be so pleasurable, relaxing and dare I say it...”orgasmic”. 


I have to admit, however, it wasn't always “fun and games”. The truth that women's meanness keeps us poor and lonely wasn't easy to hear. But, as they say “The truth shall set you free”. 


Since the training I have been much more attentive to what the men in my life need and they have responded with warmth and generosity. 


Thanks again, 



Dearest Mia,


Thank you again for 2 weeks of life-changing seminars: Geisha School Intensive and How To Talk to Men 6-Day in beautiful Honolulu. I am still digesting and absorbing what has happened for the past two weeks. You have touched me so deeply that no words can do justice to describe the actual effects the seminars have given me. 

All I know for now is that, I am more connected with my husband - whom I love dearly, but didn't have the tools and discipline to create the kind of harmonious relationship that we, or anyone for that matter, deserve. 
Thank you for all of the role-plays, interviews, and experiential games we played and performed in the seminars - they are super fun and very effective ways to learn. God bless you and your work, dear miracle worker.


With lots of love and gratitude,


Dr. Mei Hillhouse 


To say that Geisha School changed my life would be an understatement. My entire perspective of my world changed and l was able to see my life for what is was, is and can be. The man who swore he would never get married again, insisted on marrying me, in of course, the wedding of my dreams. My relationship with my son is much improved, void of that constant power struggle. But most importantly, I am living the life that I am meant to, free of worry and filled with pleasure. Mia’s powerful feedback and unconditional acceptance paves the way for you to be yourself and really enjoy who you are. Geisha School is an absolute must take workshop for women everywhere.


Dr. Carly Smith



I just attended the Geisha School Intensive this February in Honolulu. This was my third time to take one of the Geisha School seminars. Before I left, I signed up for the next class in November.

What this class does for me is that I meet other women from around the world and together we create an environment of acceptance and honest feedback. As women, we need to connect on a deep heart level and make sure each of us gets the needed pleasure, which is necessary to grow a healthy family and business system.

Attending this class has brought me a deeper understanding of the vibration beneath my words. Mia Sage has the amazing ability to accept everybody for who they are and see/speak out the invisible in a gentle and clear way. My business has grown, I am moving more money, becoming more feminine, more playful, being in so much pleasure and my connections to men and women have strenghtened and continue to grow every day.

The last class was like a spring cleaning to me and I've never felt so "clean" in my entire life. I am looking forward to growing a bigger network with other sweet and powerful women who want to create win-win situations.
Thank you Mia for all your support, love and acceptance and for sharing all your wisdom with us. I love you very much and I am so grateful to have you as my coach.


Maria Johnson


Geisha School was an experience that every woman should have. Mia's words and insight brought such a deep clarity to us all that by the end of the seminar everyone was flying.

I learned that my whole being affects others on a deep level. Everything counts from what I say to what I don't say. People feel what I don't show externally so it is very easy for business to crumble if I don't discipline myself. My whole vibe can be inviting to others or not. By keeping myself disciplined I will be able to move money, energy and people for our businesses together.


Mia's words and precise feedback made me search deep in my heart so I can clearly see the magnetic gold that is in it and how easy it is to keep it shining.


Mariana Cortez



Dear Mia, 


Thank you so much for a wonderful Geisha School. I learned so much. The art of listening and serving others and the art of communication in a way that leaves people inspired. And also the art of being elegant, present and respectful in every moment. I am very much looking forward to taking it to the next level and taking your Geisha School Intensive program. 


With love,


Leah Iny


Hi Mia,


I want to thank you for everything I experienced in Ibiza during the How To Talk to Men class. My life has changed forever and I will always be thankful for the love that you put into your coaching classes. I have been listening to the audio CDs that I bought and that really keeps me in check when I talk to all the men that come across my path. I feel so much love for them that it is incredible how things have turned around in my life. Talking to them and even looking in their eyes feels so easy and flowing like the ocean. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!


Xochitl Hernandez


Hi Mia!


It was great to see you and work with you this past weekend. What I felt during the seminar with you was my heart opening and becoming lighter. You did a great job creating an environment of lightness and compassion, while giving very precise feedback and useful information. As a trainer, I felt going through the role-plays as a participant gave me more compassion and empathy toward the participants. Big, big thank you to you!




Dear Mia,

I took part in your course “Geisha School” and I have to admit that it was the toughest training I have ever done so far. – But this training was also full of smoothness and pleasure, especially when we went to the spa!

You really opened my eyes and you gave me the key to understand things going on in my life that I have never seen like that before. Thank you Mia for telling me so honest about my gift - and about my “shadow” which is stopping me from using my power!

Thank you also for telling us about the “System of the Geisha” and the “Rules of the Geisha”. With this knowledge I have already been able to change a lot in my life. It has become so much easier for me to handle conversation, especially with men, because I now feel much more secure in what I am saying and doing. Since taking part in “Geisha School” making business with men (and women) is much easier for me- and much more fun! And the “law of attraction” really works! It is amazing! „Geisha School“ really is worth gold!

Martina Weihrich

I attended the Geisha School Intensive in the most amazing place - Waikiki, Honolulu. What a great opportunity to feel the connection with other women and to recognize that we all need this wonderful female community. In the seminar I realized that I love to be on stage and entertain other people. For the first time in my life I performed the song „The Power of Love“. This could happen because of the sweet environment and connection between all the Geishas. Thank you for bringing out the entertainer in me. 


Andrea Goebbels



Die Geisha-School ist ein besonderes Erlebnis, das ich jeder Frau wärmstens empfehlen kann!


Eine ganz wichtige Erkenntnis für mich ist zu sehen, wie sehr es darauf ankommt, was und wie wir über Männer (überhaupt andere Menschen) sprechen und welche Geschichten wir über sie erzählen. Das bestimmt die Qualität unseres Lebens bis hin zum Geldfluss mehr als ich dachte. Mia's einfühlsames und doch direktes Feedback macht dir bewusst, was du tust und sagst. Manchmal war mir gar nicht klar, was ich da mache.


In diesem Seminar erlebte ich erneut, was Verbindung unter Frauen bedeutet, welche Kraft wir miteinander schöpfen können, wenn wir nicht in das allzu oft gelebte "Getratsche" über andere verfallen.

Liebe Mia,  vielen Dank für ein weiteres fantastisches Seminarwochenende voller Einsichten! 


Andrea Ludwig


Die Geisha-School hat mir die Augen geöffnet, wie tief und kraftvoll eine ehrenvolle Verbindung zu Frauen sein kann. Mit Frauen zusammen zu sein und ein Geheimnis zu teilen ohne viel darüber zu reden, sondern ein tiefes Wissen um diese Verbindung zu haben. Mia Sage schafft es mit ihrer Leichtigkeit , Tiefe und Ehrlichkeit diese ehrenvolle Atmosphäre  zu entfalten. 


Durch die Geisha School wurde mir noch klarer, auf welcher Grundlage die Kommunikation mit Menschen funktioniert und wie ich Vertrauen und Frieden ausstrahlen kann.


Ich habe gelernt, dass alle Stimmungen und Gefühle in mir sind und eigentlich nichts mit den Menschen um mich herum zu tun haben. Nur mein Kopf versucht eine Begründung für diese Stimmungen zu finden.


Wenn ich mit meinem Partner zusammen bin, kann ich jetzt viel schneller erkennen, dass eine Laune eben eine Laune ist und meistens nicht direkt etwas mit Ihm zu tun hat. Das alles entspannt unser Zusammenleben ungemein und macht das Leben soviel einfacher!


Lola Amekor



Geisha School war für mich eine faszinierende und wegweisende Erfahrung!

Mia Sage hat die Werte der traditionellen Geisha auf spannende und spielerische Weise in die Modern Geisha School impliziert und die Geheimnisse der Geisha jeder Frau zugänglich gemacht.

Durch dieses sehr tiefgreifende und außergewöhnliche Training habe ich die Kraft und Macht weiblicher Energie im Zusammensein mit anderen Frauen kennengelernt.

Im Zusammenspiel mit dieser weiblichen, kraftvollen Energie und den "Modern Geisha Tools" habe ich oftmals sehr erfolgreich knifflige Situationen im Geschäfts- sowie im Privatleben charmant und spielerisch lösen können.

Geisha School war für mich eines der besten und tiefgreifendsten Trainings. Es ist ein weiterer Meilenstein meiner sehr spannenden Reise.

Mein besonderer Dank gilt Mia für diese reiche Erfahrung!


Patricia Poss

Unternehmerin, Coach & Trainer



Today many successful business women have lost the connection to their sweet, feminine nature. In order to stand their ground in the male oriented business world they have become hard and morose. Geisha School Intensive is a training that shows you how to move money by developing your femininity. Through getting in touch with your inner woman you will find the strength that is inside you when you are receptive. After I attended my first Geisha School training I significantly increased my skills as a consultant and trainer and got a promotion shortly after.


Dr. M.S.



How to Talk to Men: The Geisha & the Gorilla

I am devouring my “How to Talk to Men” book, my relationships have all significantly shifted. There are two in particular, one - a colleague at work with whom I had friction, and the other is my loved man. The colleague and I are suddenly friends, without any effort at all; and the immediate and sudden change in intimacy with my very beloved man within seconds of seeing him, after I had changed my perspective, is beyond stunning. I nearly lost a truly great person, because of what appeared to be legitimate resentments. He is a force of nature and so sensitive and loving, I am strong and my prosperity is growing as I listen to him and take his advice. I am beyond ecstatic.



The energy of unconditional love that emanates from the How to Talk to Men book is blowing me away... I'm amazed by Mia's discipline to stay connected with her man, to constantly create a game with him to keep the marriage alive and exciting, and to stay light and open-hearted when in communication with him.
Being in harmony with men is totally possible once the woman understands the different types of men with compassion and the grip that mythology has on her, she can be wiser in choosing a mate, and she can devise a strategy to keep the relationship fruitful and harmonious.
This book offers so much hope to couples and to single women... I highly recommend it!!!
Keep on writing Mia, with your words you spread seed of love, peace and compassion throughout this planet...

Flo Bowen, Poet and Author of Feed Your Soul


How to Talk to Men is a great resource for women and men alike.

My wife has been training and living the truth in this book for 5 years now and I have to say it is amazing to have a woman in my life who actually wants me to have what I want. She acknowledges me for the things I do, whether it's paying the bills on time, taking our dog for a walk, or doing a great job in my work. She encourages me every day--giving me permission to go for what I want and never saying no. To me that is a revolution and my hope is to see more people living like this. I know this book will help start that change.

This is not complicated heady stuff, it's practical and you can start to use these tools and concepts right away in all of your relationships.

I highly recommend How to Talk to Men!


RJ Johnson


The How to Talk to Men book and seminars have changed my life. I am much happier now with my relationships than ever before. This book is easy to read and it has a lot of wisdom. My husband and I live in harmony and the connection is deeper since I discover this fabulous tribe. I learned to accept love within myself and others as well.


Sandra Snethen, Teacher and entrepreneur.


The book (and the courses) have changed my life complety. Now I can understand men and now I know what I want.
This makes things so simple and brings so much love and respect in my life.
Thank you, Mia - you did a great Job by writing this wonderful book. I can feel your love and your passion in every sentence.
Reading the book makes me so calm and peaceful.

Sorry for my english - my native language ist german. Reading and understanding is much easier than writing english ;-)




The "How To Talk To Men" book by Mia Sage is one of the best books ever written. I love every sentence, every story, message, and humor in it. Every sentence is so profound, inspiring, eye opening, fun and lovely. Can't have enough of it. WOW! I recommend 100% to everybody to have this book. It is the bible, the manual book for every woman on this planet.




I've been reading your How to Talk to Men book. And I must say it is sooooooooooooo GOOD. I find myself reading one of the short chapters and feeling like there is an exponential wealth in it. It energetically creates an expanded space in my heart and I so love that. Thank you soooo much for being in service to us and being a shining star for all of us to see. You are awesome!!

Much Love and Business,


Me and my wife had great fun reading the How to Talk to Men book. Sooooooo much information on the men and women game. I liked it very much. My wife tells everbody about it because it is important for all women to know how to have a life in harmony and wealth.


Robert Rossel


My very first, amazing experience with Mia Sage's book: I had not even yet read it, just connected with the How to talk to Men-Berlin-women promoting the book and its spirit, when we went to a dance club after our meeting. In the disco I was charmingly and attentively approached and invited by a nice man to dance, for a drink, asked for my phone number and - the next day - for a date... A couple of days later reading Mia's book I found the explanation, why the game that evening went so easily and light: Appreciating men's advances and courage by "Just say(ing) Yes". It's a great pleasure to still keep browsing the chapters, be playful afterwards, having more and more joyful encounters with amiable men and of course the women sharing the spirit.



Harmony in partnership is the very essence of my being. My personal mission is to create prosperous global communities with men and women who value partnership, entrepreneurship and leadership. To that end I  co-created Sage University to educate entrepreneurs, and launched Sage Innovations to provide "radar" for large corporations.


My aim is to recruit, train, and collaborate with elite men and women capable of achieving their goals and transforming their dreams into reality.